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Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Marijuana in Mississippi

Olivia Castro

Who qualifies for medical marijuana in Mississippi?

The Mississippi Department of Health has approved a number of qualifying conditions that will allow patients to access medical marijuana in Mississippi. The qualifying conditions that are eligible for medical marijuana treatment in Mississippi include a number of chronic or debilitating conditions.

What conditions make a patient eligible for medical marijuana in Mississippi?

According to Amendment 2, you may be eligible for medical marijuana treatment in Mississippi if you suffer from the following:

  • Cancer

  • Crohn’s Disease

  • Epilepsy

  • Glaucoma


  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Parkinson’s

  • PTSD

  • Other Debilitating Condition of Like, Kind, Or Class

Additionally, Amendment 2 allows Mississippi medical marijuana doctors to recommend patients for medical marijuana treatment after diagnosing them with “other debilitating medical conditions of the same kind or class.” These conditions may include:

  • Anorexia

  • Anxiety

  • Arthritis

  • Back Pain

  • Cachexia

  • Diabetes

  • Hepatitis C

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Lyme Disease

  • Migraine

  • Muscle Spasms

  • Muscular Dystrophy

  • Other conditions that result in traumatic stress

  • Severe & Chronic Pain

  • Severe Nausea

  • Sickle Cell Anemia

  • Spasticity

How do I get a Mississippi medical marijuana card?

To obtain your medical marijuana card in Mississippi, you must be suffering from one of the qualifying conditions and have medical records document your condition. Next, you will need to schedule an appointment to meet with a certified physician to get a recommendation for medical marijuana treatment. Our staff here at Mississippi Marijuana Card is here to simplify the process, connecting you with a certified doctor and filing all your necessary paperwork!

Once you received your written recommendation, you must submit an application to the Mississippi Department of Health to obtain your card. We will help you with all of this!

Why do I need a Mississippi medical marijuana card?

A Mississippi medical marijuana card shows that your name has been added to the Mississippi Medical Marijuana Registry. With this card, you can:

1. Buy marijuana from dispensaries in the State of Mississippi

2. Possess marijuana and marijuana products in Mississippi

3. Consume marijuana and marijuana products in Mississippi

A Mississippi medical marijuana card is a personal identification card that shows the patient is a legal Mississippi registered Medical Marijuana Patient.

What is the cost for a medical marijuana card in Mississippi?

Some doctors charge an exorbitant amount of money just for an initial examination. We feel strongly that if you qualify for medical marijuana, you shouldn't have trouble accessing it due to cost. As such, we offer a variety of payment methods, including monthly payment plan options and discounts for veterans, as well as referral discounts to those who spread the word about our services. After the first appointment, all required follow-ups are free for 12 months.

What is a medical marijuana Caregiver, and how many can I have?

Caregivers are individuals who may visit dispensaries and purchase medical marijuana products on behalf of a patient. All caregivers must first register with the Mississippi Medical Marijuana Use Registry before accessing dispensaries.

How do I apply to be a medical marijuana Caregiver in Mississippi?

In order to become a caregiver for a patient, you must apply through the Mississippi Medical Marijuana Use Registry. Caregivers must also complete a caregiver certification course by Mississippi Department of Health. Additional requirements for becoming a caregiver include:

  1. A caregiver must be 21 years of age or older.

  2. A caregiver cannot be a qualified physician.

  3. A caregiver cannot be employed within any industry that could benefit economically from the activities on behalf of the patient such as a medical marijuana treatment center or marijuana testing laboratory.

  4. If caregivers are not a close relative to the patient, a background check may also be required.

Are patients allowed to grow their own medical marijuana at home?

No, Mississippi medical marijuana patients are prohibited from growing medical marijuana at home under Mississippi law. All medical marijuana is required to be purchased from one of the state-approved dispensary locations.

Is my personal information kept confidential?

The privacy of our patients is our top priority. We go through great lengths to ensure that all patient information is protected and kept confidential in our HIPAA-compliant file storage system. We will also never share any of your contact information with any third party.

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